MyBlogLog releases JustForYou – Personalizes Your WordPress Blog

Today I installed a new WordPress plugin from MyBlogLog called JusrForYou.
You see an example set of recommendations to the left (taken from the quoted blog post below).

Here is the blog post explaining a little more about it “Just for You Personalizes Your WordPress Blog“:

Yet, none of these add-ons look at the stated interests of the individual reader, mostly because this data is closed off, hidden inside social networks and closed off to the open internet.

Just for You, released today as a WordPress plug-in, builds a list of headlines based on the expressed interests of the reader. The plug-in looks at each visitor to your blog and, if they are a cookied MyBlogLog member, looks up the tags attached to that user’s profile. Using these tags, Just for You looks into the blog’s archive for posts with matching tags or categories and shows a list of matching headlines in a sidebar widget.

A very interesting way of making suggestions for your blog visitors. In the comments you wil find some people complaining about some missing php extensions:

It seems your host is not supporting json data format. Please ask your hosting provider to enable json extension for php.

So, it remains to be seen if this plugin will work here on my blog or not. What do you think about this idea to provide recommendations to site visitors?

5 thoughts on “MyBlogLog releases JustForYou – Personalizes Your WordPress Blog

  1. Hi,

    I noticed that the plug-in wasn’t showing anything. I looks like you might have re-named the plug-in file so the plug-in script can’t find it.

    MyBlogLog product guy

  2. Thanks for checking out my blog and your advice, Ian. Will check it out tonight, really want to get it working! Love the idea behind it.
    All I did is unzipping the archive into the plugins folder, though.

  3. Hi Marco,

    One of our engineers noticed a couple of things.

    WPMU has its own directory for plug-ins (/wp-content/mu-plugins). Just for You doesn’t work unless it’s intalled in the standard WP plug-in directory (/wp-content/plugins).

    The default wordpress installation has a rewrite rule which disallows rewriting anything inside plugins folder, this rewrite condition may not be present in your install:

    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/$ index.php [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*wp-content/plugins.* RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-content/blogs.php?file=$2 [L]

    Let me know how it goes.

  4. Ian, Thanks for all your help and for the help from your engineers!
    Here is what I did: I had the read access not correctly set for your ../includes/ dir. After enabling read access it works perfectly now.
    I have your plug-in in the “normal” plug-in dir, no change to my htaccess was necessary.

    Glad it works now, thanks again!

  5. Awesome! Glad it works now. Of course, this post comes up as the #1 recommendation for me with these others including:

    – Web Programming: Data Portability – Gnip & OpenSocial
    – unbox – watch now: Instant video streaming is coming to PC and Mac
    – Mashup Editors Everywhere – Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft, Intel

    Very relevant!

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