Advertising in Blogs and Banner Blindness

Forrester finds (via DM News) in their Report ,”Interactive Marketing Channels to Watch in 2006,” that the spending for advertising on the Internet is mostly e-mail, search, contextual targeting, and rich media. The advertisers are curious about social media things (like blogs) but do not plan to get “into the game” yet…
Let’s find out who will be the first to go deeply into social media advertising! And who will be left behind.

The Nielsen/Normal Group (via reports that: Internet Users Plagued by Banner Blindness.
An eye-tracking study conducted by the Nielsen/Norman Group finds Internet users avoid viewing banner ads. Text advertising is read more often than display ads, according to the research.

So should the advertisers make the Internet not “too flashy”? And what kind of advertising should sites like YouTube use if the banner is competing videos?

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